January 13-15, Las Vegas, NV
Please come and visit Therapy Innovations at Booth 1430 and Enter to Win a Smart Heat System!!
Join thousands of members from the chiropractic community for an unforgettable three days
of education, networking, and an exposition featuring the best in chiropractic technology.
Spread the word that Parker Seminars’ 60th anniversary series lets you:
• Learn critical practice-building techniques.
• Strengthen your chiropractic foundation.
• Create a more effective, efficient office.
• Earn valuable continuing education credits.
• Learn from world-renowned speakers and leading experts.
• Maximize your potential and start living your best life!
• Be one of the first to preview and order The Well Adjusted Soul,
one of this year’s most exciting practice expansion tools.
Come share the excitement and let us welcome you to our neighborhood!
Visit http://www.parkerseminars.com/ or call 888.727.5338.